Results for area 16.5
status invoked by the Remote Degradation Function, which will have at least two states of Degradation ON and Degradation OFF, but may have more states to define the degree of degradation or functions to degrade, and which can be altered directly or remotely via an air interface
status ON is invoked via an external signal into the OBE, causing it to perform as a Stolen Vehicle
NOTE 1 to entry It can also be set to OFF, causing the OBE to perform as vehicle that has not been stolen
NOTE 2 to entry This status can be altered directly or remotely via an air interface.
internal state which is invoked when the OBE detects that it may be stolen and which can be used to modify the transmitted information or undertake other functions
change of the ATSVR from the SET to the UNSET condition and vice versa, or the change of condition of any output
EXAMPLE Operation of a visible or audible warning device, or the ATSVR set/unset indicator.
Unset ATSVR not operating/tracking (vehicle in correct operation by owner).
Set ATSVR active (vehicle in parked position by owner).
Alarm ATSVR activated tracking (vehicle moved without the owner’s approval)