Results for area 3.5 Organization and operation
a company providing public transport services
a group of OPERATORs having for instance common schemes for fare collection or passenger information
a classification for the ORGANISATIONs according to their activity, e.g. a public transport company, an IT company, etc.)
an ORGANISATION PART to which a set of responsibilities in a public transport company for planning and control is assigned
a part of an ORGANISATION to which specific responsibilities upon the data and data management may be assigned
generic ORGANISATION being neither an AUTHORITY, neither a public transport OPERATOR (TRAVEL AGENT, MANAGEMENT AGENT, etc.)
a public or private organisation for which public transport services are provided on specific days, e.g. a school, university or works
a specific DEPARTMENT which administers certain LINEs
specialisation of ORGANISATION for TRAVEL AGENT
the area of a district, a region, a city, a municipality, or other area with which an ORGANIZATION has a RESPONSIBILITY ROLE
the organisation under which the responsibility of organising the transport service in a certain area is placed
a list of possible responsibilities over one or more ENTITies IN VERSION, resulting from the process of the assignment of RESPONSIBILITY ROLEs (such as data origination, ownership, etc) on specific data (instances) to ORGANISATIONs or ORGANISATION PARTs
a classification of RESPONSIBILITY ROLEs, e.g. data ownership
the assignment of one or more roles to an ORGANISATION or an ORGANISATION PART as regards the responsibility it will have as regards specific data (e.g. ownership, planning, etc.) and the management of this data (e.g. distribution, updates, etc.)
contact details for ORGANISATION for public use
all activities allowing the company management to collect the information necessary to meet problem-solving needs.
NOTE 1 to entry: Data of operational systems are filtered and aggregated for this purpose, and made available to the user interactively, or in the form of pre-defined reports and summaries. Such functions are in principle related to all functional areas of a company, with particular reference to the management of statistical results.
all activities related to the mid-term and short-term management of drivers