Results for area 5.6
not-for-profit membership organisation established under Belgian law aiming at developing and maintaining worldwide traffic and traveller information standards such TMC and TPEG
open and independent association of information publishers and receivers who have an interest in exchanging travel information using an agreed set of principles
one of the TTI System operators; each TIC is connected to TMC, PIC, PTC and some other TICs to collect and process information generated at each of the said centres; the TIC disseminates information periodically in accordance with procedures as agreed with the corresponding VASP or from time to time on request from the VASP
provider that includes all relevant energy suppliers, local solar power generators, as well as traditional major companies in the power industry sector
NOTE 1 to entry It is their role to provide energy to the charging park operators.
operator who manages one or more charging parks
NOTE 1 to entry The charging park operator maintains the charging site(s) and is a business partner to the energy provider and the EM provider. Typically, a charging park operator bills the end-user based on “roaming agreements” with multiple EM providers.
business partner for the end-users who charge their electric vehicles
NOTE 1 to entry Typically, an end-user has a contract with an EM provider, the details of which are connected to an (RF) ID card [having an (internationally) unique card number] that is used for authorization and billing. The EM provider sees to it that his customers can charge their vehicles in as many charging parks as possible and bills the customer according to the respective contract.