Results for area 6.5 Map representation
application category that deals with graphical information presentation
NOTE Map display is one of the six application categories supported by the API.
location to be used as the end location of a journey for a route guidance application
set of two coordinates (one longitude value and one latitude value), representing a position on the earth model
transformation method used to represent the curved earth surface on a plane
data model entity that stores name text associated with all or part of a cartographic feature
NOTE Cartographic text is language dependent and may contain a suggested display location, orientation, language code, priority (or importance), suggested scale range, and bounding box.
all transportation elements and all services, including their relationships to transportation elements
subset of map data resulting from a classification of data of the same semantic content based on the level of detail or density, related to the concept of different map scales
NOTE Level 0 is considered the lowest level (greatest detail); higher levels are numbered level 1, level 2, etc.
EXAMPLE Map display data may be organised into 6 levels representing different zoom scales.
certain subset of a Dataset based upon information contents
EXAMPLE Route guidance data may be considered as one layer.
angle between Magnetic North and True North