Results for area 10.5
external event defining a VALIDITY CONDITION. E.g exceptional flow of a river, bad weather, road closure for works
an equipment activated by the passage of a vehicle at an ACTIVATION POINT or on an ACTIVATION LINK
alternative name for the entity
specialisation of LOCAL SERVICE for ASSISTANCE providing information like language, accessibility trained staff, etc.
specialisation of PASSENGER EQUIPMENT for passenger safety
a DATED VEHICLE JOURNEY identical to a long-term planned VEHICLE JOURNEY, possibly updated according to short-term modifications of the PRODUCTION PLAN decided by the control staff
a DATED BLOCK identical to a long-terms planned BLOCK, possibly updated according to short-term modifications of the PRODUCTION PLAN decided by the control staff
a super-type including all POINTs of the physical network (e.g. RAILWAY JUNCTION)
a POINT on a LINK which is not needed for LINK definition, but may be used for other purposes, e.g. for purposes of AVM or PI, or for driver information
a POINT where the traffic flow can be influenced
EXAMPLE Traffic lights (lanterns), barriers.
a POINT in a LINK SEQUENCE indicating its order in that particular LINK SEQUENCE
an oriented correspondence from one POINT of a source layer, onto an entity in a target layer: e.g. POINT, LINK, LINK SEQUENCE, COMPLEX FEATURE, within a defined TYPE OF PROJECTION
specialisation of ORGANISATION for TRAVEL AGENT
a link within a PLACE of or between two PLACEs (that is STOP PLACEs, ACCESS SPACEs or QUAYs,BOARDING POSITIONs, POINTs OF INTEREST etc. or PATH JUNCTIONs) that represents a step in a possible route for pedestrians, cyclists or other out-of-vehicle passengers within or between a PLACE
NOTE 1 to entry It is possible but not mandatory that a PATH LINK projects onto a more detailed set of infrastructure or mapping links that plot the spatial course, allowing it to be represented on maps and to tracking systems.
long-term planned time data concerning public transport vehicles passing a particular POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN on a specified VEHICLE JOURNEY for a certain DAY TYPE
time allowance at the end of each journey on a specified JOURNEY PATTERN, to allow for delays and for other purposes; this layover supersedes any global layover and may be superseded by a specific VEHICLE JOURNEY LAYOVER
a time allowance at the end of a specified VEHICLE JOURNEY. This time supersedes any global layover or JOURNEY PATTERN LAYOVER
time allowance at the end of each journey on a specified JOURNEY PATTERN, to allow for delays and for other purposes; this layover supersedes any global layover and may be superseded by a specific VEHICLE JOURNEY LAYOVER
an ordered pair of TIMING POINTs for which run times may be recorded
the position of a TIMING LINK in a JOURNEY PATTERN; this entity is needed if a TIMING LINK is repeated in the same JOURNEY PATTERN, and separate information is to be stored about each iteration of the TIMING LINK
a time-related information referring to journey timing whose value depends on the time of use and so can be associated with a TIME DEMAND TYPE, TIME BAND or OPERATIONAL CONTEXT
part of a BLOCK corresponding to the different JOURNEY PARTs of the VEHICLE JOURNEYs in a BLOCK
a part of a VEHICLE JOURNEY created according to a specific functional purpose, for instance in situations when vehicle coupling or separating occurs
the maximum time for which a vehicle may be scheduled to wait at a particular TIMING POINT (often included in a TURN STATION) without being returned to a PARKING POINT
NOTE A minimum time for a vehicle to turn its direction may also be recorded. This may be superseded by a DEAD RUN.
a part of an ORGANISATION to which specific responsibilities upon the data and data management may be assigned
two JOURNEY PARTs of different VEHICLE JOURNEYs served simultaneously by a train set up by coupling their single vehicles
a part of a VEHICLE SERVICE composed of one or more BLOCKs and limited by periods spent at the GARAGE managing the vehicle in question
the time a vehicle has to wait at a specific TIMING POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN, for a specified TIME DEMAND TYPE; this wait time can be superseded by a VEHICLE JOURNEY WAIT TIME
permission to board early before the journey or stay on board after the journey
specification of codes assigned to particular VEHICLE JOURNEYs when operated by TRAINs or COMPOUND TRAINs according to a functional purpose (passenger information, operation follow-up, etc)
a particular week day (from Monday to Sunday)
the JOURNEY PATTERN for a (passenger carrying) SERVICE JOURNEY
a JOURNEY PATTERN to be used for DEAD RUNs
a variant of a MODE, as for instance international or domestic rail (rail being the MODE)
the time for a vehicle to wait at a particular TIMING POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN on a specified VEHICLE JOURNEY; this wait time will override the JOURNEY PATTERN WAIT TIME
the time taken to traverse a TIMING LINK in a particular JOURNEY PATTERN, for a specified TIME DEMAND TYPE; if it exists, it will override the DEFAULT SERVICE JOURNEY RUN TIME and DEFAULT DEAD RUN RUN TIME
the time taken to traverse a TIMING LINK in a particular JOURNEY PATTERN, for a specified TIME DEMAND TYPE; if it exists, it will override the DEFAULT SERVICE JOURNEY RUN TIME and DEFAULT DEAD RUN RUN TIME
the time taken to traverse a specified TIMING LINK IN JOURNEY PATTERN on a specified VEHICLE JOURNEY; this gives the most detailed control over times and overrides the DEFAULT SERVICE JOURNEY RUN TIME and JOURNEY PATTERN RUN TIME and the DEFAULT DEAD RUN RUN TIME
a continuous interval of time between two OPERATING DAYs which will be used to define validities
a type of INFRASTRUCTURE LINK used to describe a wire network
a classification of real-time processes that are activated when vehicles passes an ACTIVATION POINT or an ACTIVATION LINK
a classification of ASSISTANCE SERVICE (e.g. boarding assistance, onboard assistance, porterage, foreign language, sign language translation, etc.)
a classification of POINTs according to their functional purpose
a classification of TRAFFIC CONTROL POINTs
a classification for WAITING ROOM EQUIPMENT
a classification of JOURNEY PATTERNs used to distinguish other categories of JOURNEY PATTERN than SERVICE JOURNEY PATTERN and DEAD RUN PATTERN
classification of ENTITies, for instance according to the domain in which they are defined or used
a classification of RESPONSIBILITY ROLEs, e.g. data ownership
a classification for PASSENGER INFORMATION EQUIPMENT (e.g. next stop indicator, stop announcements, passenger information facility)
a classification for tickets available at a TICKETING EQUIPMENT (e.g. standard, concession, promotion, group, season, travel card, etc.)
a classification for FARE CLASSes
a classification for VEHICLE JOURNEYs to express some common properties of journeys for marketing and fare products
a typology of flexible services: Virtual line service; Flexible service with main route; Corridor service; Fixed stop area-wide flexible service; Free area-wide flexible service; Mixed types of flexible service (not at POINT level)
NOTE The type of flexibility can be defined at JOURNEY PATTERN level or at POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN level in case of mixed types of flexible service inside the same JOURNEY PATTERN.
a classification of COMMUNICATION SERVICE (e.g. free wifi, public wifi, phone, mobile coverage, internet, video entertainment, audio entertainment, post box, post office, business services)
a typology of congestions resulting from CHECK CONSTRAINT (e.g. no waiting, queue, crowding, full)
a classification of CHECK CONSTRAINT (e.g. ticket collection, ticket purchase, baggage check-in, incoming customs, outgoing customs, tax refunds, etc.)
a classification for LINEs
a classification of RETAIL SERVICE (e.g. food, newspaper tobacco, health hygiene beauty, fashion accessories, bank finance insurance, tourism, photo booth)
a classification for PLACEs
a generic (abstract) classification of LOCAL SERVICEs
a classification for BOARDING POSITIONs
a classification for GENDER LIMITATIONSs (mainly for SANITARY EQUIPMENT, e.g. male only, female only, both)
a classification for ACCESSIBILITY LIMITATIONs, e.g. audio, visual, step free, etc.
a classification for the ORGANISATIONs according to their activity, e.g. a public transport company, an IT company, etc.)
a classification for a NOTICE
a classification of MONEY SERVICE (e.g. cash machine, bank, insurance, bureau de change)
a classification for the availability of the STAFF associated with an ASSISTANCE SERVICE (e.g. full time, part time)
a classification of the validity of TYPEs OF FRAME. E.g. frames for schedules designed for DAY TYPEs, for specific OPERATING DAYs
a classification of the way a VEHICLE STOPPING POSITION is used (e.g. front left, front right, back left, back right, driver left, driver right)
a classification of LINK SEQUENCEs used to define the different functions a LINK SEQUENCE may be used for. E.g ROUTE, JOURNEY PATTERN, road, TRIP PATTERN, border line etc.
a classification for service available for a CHECK CONSTRAINT (e.g. self-service machine, counter service)
a classification for POINT OF INTEREST SPACEs
a classification of OPERATIONs to express the different functional roles of a DEPARTMENT
a classification for spaces to express how the can be used as a passage (e.g. pathway, corridor, overpass, underpass, tunnel, etc.)
a classification for SHELTERs
a Classification of ACCESS FEATURE for CHECK CONSTRAINT (e.g. barrier, narrow entrance, confined , queue management, etc.)
a classification of ACCESSIBILITY TOOLS used by or available from ASSISTANCE SERVICE (e.g. wheelchair, walking stick, audio navigator, visual navigator, etc.)
a classification of HIRE SERVICEs (e.g. car hire, motor cycle hire, cycle hire, recreational device hire)
a classification of VERSION FRAMEs according to a common purpose. E.g. line descriptions for line versions, vehicle schedules, operating costs. A TYPE OF FRAME is ruled by a unique TYPE OF VALIDITY
a classification for SANITARY EQUIPMENT (e.g. toilet, wheelchair access toilet, shower, baby change, wheelchair baby change)
a classification for VEHICLE JOURNEYs and SPECIAL SERVICEs to express some common properties of journeys to be taken into account in the scheduling and/or operations control process
a classification for COUPLING of BLOCK PARTs
a classification for LUGGAGE LOCKER EQUIPMENT (e.g. left luggage, lockers, bike carriage, porterage, free trolleys, paid trolleys)
a classification of USER NEEDS
a classification of a DELIVERY VARIANT; the way of delivering a NOTICE: by vocal announcement, by visual display, issuing printed material
a classification for SUITABILITY, i.e. assessments as regards a possible SUITABILITY of access according to USER NEEDS
a classification of TRAIN ELEMENTs
a classification of equipment items to be installed at stop points or onboard vehicles, for instance
a classification of CYCLE PARKING (e.g. racks, bars, railings, etc.)
a classification for SEATING EQUIPMENT
a classification of SCHEDULED STOP POINTs, used for instance to characterize the equipment to be installed at stops (post, shelter, seats, etc.)
a classification for payment method (e.g. cash, credit card, debit card, travel card, contactless travel card, mobile phone, token, etc.)
any data instance to be managed in an operational Version Management System; when several data sources coexist (multimodality and/or interoperability), an ENTITY has to be related to a given DATA SOURCE in which it is defined
specialisation of LINE for flexible service; as all the service on a LINE may not all be flexible, flexibility itself is described at JOURNEY PATTERN level (meaning that a separate JOURNEY PATTERN is needed for each type of flexibility available for the line)
NOTE Types of flexible services are: Virtual line service; Flexible service with main route; Corridor service; Fixed stop area-wide flexible service; Free area-wide flexible service; Mixed types of flexible service; Mixed type of flexible and regular services
a specialisation of the STOP PLACE describing a stop of a FLEXIBLE SERVICE. It may be composed of FLEXIBLE AREAs or HAIL AND RIDE AREAs identifying the catchment areas for flexible services (when they use areas or flexible quays). Some FLEXIBLE SERVICE also use regular STOP PLACEs for their stops. When assigned to a SCHEDULED STOP POINT the corresponding SCHEDULED STOP POINT is supposed to be a ZONE (the centroid point of the ZONE being the SCHEDULED STOP POINT)
specialisation of a FLEXIBLE QUAY (which is abstract) to identify what is the catchment area for a flexible service (so that a stop finder can find the nearest available types of transport). It is a named zone visited by a particular mode of transport. It is part of the SITE data set rather than the service data set, since it can be defined and exists independently of an actual service
a particular role an ORGANISATION or an ORGANISATION PART is playing as regards certain data, for example data origination, data augmentation, data aggregation, data distribution, planning, operation, control, ownership etc)
a facility used for parking and maintaining vehicles. PARKING POINTs in a GARAGE are called GARAGE POINTs
a subtype of PARKING POINT located in a GARAGE
one end of a SITE CONNECTION
a property which a day may possess, such as school holiday, weekday, summer, winter etc.
a public transport information piece of equipment, as for instance terminals (on street, at information desks, telematic, ...) or printed material (leaflets displayed at stops, booklets, ...)
headway interval information that is available for all the VEHICLE JOURNEYs running on the JOURNEY PATTERN; this is a default value that can be superseded by the VEHICLE JOURNEY HEADWAY on a specific journey; this information shall be consistent with HEADWAY JOURNEY GROUP if available (HEADWAY JOURNEY GROUP being a more detailed way of describing headway services)
headway interval information that is available for a VEHICLE JOURNEY (to be understood as the delay between the previous and the next VEHICLE JOURNEY). This information shall be consistent with HEADWAY JOURNEY GROUP if available (HEADWAY JOURNEY GROUP being a more detailed way of describing headway services)
a time interval or a duration defining a headway period and characterizing HEADWAY JOURNEY GROUP (e.g. every 10 min, every 4-6 min)
generic ORGANISATION being neither an AUTHORITY, neither a public transport OPERATOR (TRAVEL AGENT, MANAGEMENT AGENT, etc.)
common properties of VEHICLE JOURNEYs and SPECIAL SERVICEs, e.g. their link to accounting characteristics
the time a vehicle has to wait at a specific TIMING POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN, for a specified TIME DEMAND TYPE. This wait time can be superseded by a VEHICLE JOURNEY WAIT TIME
headway interval information that is available for all the VEHICLE JOURNEYs running on the JOURNEY PATTERN for a given TIME DEMAND TYPE, at a given TIMING POINT. This is a default value that can be superseded by VEHICLE JOURNEY HEADWAY. This information shall be consistent with HEADWAY JOURNEY GROUP if available (HEADWAY JOURNEY GROUP being a more detailed way of describing headway services)
a type of INFRASTRUCTURE POINT used to describe a wire network
a collection of DAY TYPE ASSIGNMENTs
PARKING properties providing information about its CAPACITY
an element of a SITE describing a part of its structure. SITE COMPONENTs share common properties for data management, accessibility and other features
specialisation of LOCAL SERVICE dedicated to communication services
one end of a CONNECTION
contact details for ORGANISATION for public use
specialization of EQUIPMENT for Rubbish disposal, describing rubbish types, etc.
characteristics of a process that takes place at a SITE COMPONENT, such as check-in, security screening, ticket control or immigration, that may potentially incur a time penalty that should be allowed for when journey planning
a set of data that can be assembled for assignment to a physical PASSENGER INFORMATION EQUIPMENT or to a logical channel such as web or media; it is independent of any physical embodiment
NOTE A LOGICAL DISPLAY may have a set of DISPLAY ASSIGNMENTS each of which associates a JOURNEY PATTERN whose journeys are to be shown at the LOGICAL DISPLAY. It may also be associated with a SCHEDULED STOP POINT. A LOGICAL DISPLAY corresponds to a SIRI STOP MONITORING point.
specialisation of LOCAL SERVICE dedicated to retail services
a specification of impossible move for a certain type of vehicle. It specifies from which INFRASTRUCTURE LINK to which other (adjacent) INFRASTRUCTURE LINK a certain VEHICLE TYPE cannot proceed, due to physical restrictions
a classification of requirements for a public transport VEHICLE according to the Manoeuvring capabilities of the vehicle
a set of FACILITIES that may be associated with an ENTITY and subject to a specific VALIDITY CONDITION
NETWORK RESTRICTION specifying a POINT or a LINK where vehicles of specified VEHICLE TYPEs are or are not allowed to overtake each other
an item of equipment either fixed (PLACE EQUIPMENT) or on board i.e. associated with vehicles. This equipment is materialised as opposed to a service (LOCAL SERVICE) considered as an immaterial equipment
a designated path between two places; may include an ordered sequence of PATH LINKs
specialisation of LOCAL SERVICE dedicated to refreshments service
specialisation of a FLEXIBLE QUAY to identify what is the catchment zone for a hail and ride service (so that a stop finder can find the nearest available types of transport); it is a named zone visited by a particular mode of transport and may be designated by a start point and end point on the road
NOTE 1 to entry It is part of the Site data set rather than the service data set, since it can be defined and exists independently of an actual service.
a public or private organisation for which public transport services are provided on specific days, e.g. a school, university or works
a passenger carrying VEHICLE JOURNEY for one specified DAY TYPE. The pattern of working is in principle defined by a SERVICE JOURNEY PATTERN
a LINK between an ordered pair of SCHEDULED STOP POINTs
an ORGANIZATION PART specific to a purpose and/or organisational structure
a categorisation of the accessibility characteristics of a SITE, e.g. a STOP PLACE or a STOP PLACE COMPONENT to indicate its usability by passengers with specific needs, for example , those needing wheelchair access, step-free access or wanting to avoid confined spaces such as lifts. A small number of well-defined categories are used that are chosen to allow the consistent capture of data and the efficient computation of routes for different classes of user
an ORGANISATION PART to which a set of responsibilities in a public transport company for planning and control is assigned
a text for informational purposes on exceptions in a LINE, a JOURNEY PATTERN, etc. The information may be usable for passenger or driver information
a user defined VALIDITY CONDITION used by a rule for selecting versions (e.g. river level > 1,5 m and bad weather)
assignment of parameters characterising an INTERCHANGE RULE
A TIMING POINT where vehicles may stay unattended for a long time. A vehicle's return to park at a PARKING POINT marks the end of a BLOCK
a specialisation of PLACE EQUIPMENT describing CYCLE PARKING EQUIPMENT
specialisation of LOCAL SERVICE dedicated to money services
a VALIDITY CONDITION expressed in terms of temporal parameters and referring to DAY TYPEs
a TIMING POINT where a relief is possible, i.e. a driver may take on or hand over a vehicle; the vehicle may sometimes be left unattended
POINT building up a NAVIGATION PATH within an ordered set of other SITE POINTs IN SEQUENCE. May also be the beginning or end of a PATH LINK IN SEQUENCE
a specification of ADDRESS refining it by using the attributes used for conventional identification for mail
NOTE Comprises variously a building Identifier, Street name, Post code and other descriptors.
a specific USER NEED, i.e. a constraint of a passenger as regards his mobility, e.g. wheelchair, assisted wheelchair, etc
an allowed DIRECTION that can be used on a given ROUTE; this can be used to validate the selection of allowed values
a classification of requirements for a public transport vehicle according to the passenger carrying capabilities of the vehicle
a classification of public transport vehicles according to the facilities available on the vehicle
specialization of LOCAL SERVICE for ticketing, providing ticket counter and online purchase information, also associated with payment method and TYPE OF TICKET
an oriented correspondence: from one COMPLEX FEATURE in the source layer, onto an entity in a target layer: e.g. POINT, COMPLEX FEATURE, within a defined TYPE OF PROJECTION
an oriented correspondence from one LINK of a source layer, onto an entity in a target layer: e.g. LINK SEQUENCE, COMPLEX FEATURE, within a defined TYPE OF PROJECTION
an oriented correspondence: from one ZONE in a source layer, onto a target entity: e.g. POINT, COMPLEX FEATURE, within a defined TYPE OF PROJECTION
specialisation of POINT OF INTEREST COMPONENT for SPACEs. A physical area within the POINT OF INTEREST, such as a concourse
characterization of a set of operational objects, such as timing or links determined either by a DEPARTMENT or by an ORGANISATIONAL UNIT
a specific DEPARTMENT which administers certain LINEs
a company providing public transport services
throughput of a CHECK CONSTRAINT: the number of passengers who can pass through it in a specified interval
a type of PLACE specifying common properties of a SITE or a SITE COMPONENT to describe it., including accessibility
the preference for the use of a particular VEHICLE TYPE for a SERVICE JOURNEY PATTERN, depending on the DAY TYPE and TIME DEMAND TYPE. The rank of preferences shall be recorded. Different VEHICLE TYPEs may be given the same rank
a location (e.g. a ROUTE POINT) used to distinguish a ROUTE form another ROUTE; it may be used for DESTINATION DISPLAYs
conditions for considering JOURNEYs to meet or not to meet, specified indirectly: by a particular MODE, DIRECTION or LINE. Such conditions may alternatively be specified directly, indicating the corresponding services. In this case they are either a SERVICE JOURNEY PATTERN INTERCHANGE or a SERVICE JOURNEY INTERCHANGE
the physical (spatial) possibility for a passenger to change from one public transport vehicle to another to continue the trip, determined by physical locations, such as SITEs and/or its components and/or ENTRANCEs, in particular STOP PLACEs and/or its components. Different times may be necessary to cover the resulting distance, depending on the kind of passenger
the assignment of one or more roles to an ORGANISATION or an ORGANISATION PART as regards the responsibility it will have as regards specific data (e.g. ownership, planning, etc.) and the management of this data (e.g. distribution, updates, etc.)
the allocation of a NAVIGATION PATH to a specific STOP POINT ASSIGNMENT, for example to indicate the path to be taken to make a CONNECTION
the assignment of a NOTICE showing an exception in a JOURNEY PATTERN, a COMMON SECTION, or a VEHICLE JOURNEY, possibly specifying at which POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN the validity of the NOTICE starts and ends respectively
an assignment of an ACTIVATION POINT/LINK to an ACTIVATED EQUIPMENT related on its turn to a TRAFFIC CONTROL POINT; the considered ACTIVATION POINT/LINK will be used to influence the control process for that TRAFFIC CONTROL POINT (e.g. to fix priorities as regards the processing of competing requests from different ACTIVATION POINTs/LINKs)
the association of a TRAIN COMPONENT at a SCHEDULED STOP POINT with a specific STOP PLACE and also possibly a QUAY and BOARDING POSITION
the assignment of one STOP POINT and one JOURNEY PATTERN to a PASSENGER INFORMATION EQUIPMENT specifying that information on the STOP POINT and the JOURNEY PATTERN will be provided (e.g. displayed, printed)
a recognised/organised possibility for passengers to change public transport vehicles using two STOP POINTs (which may be identical) on two particular SERVICE JOURNEY PATTERNs, including the maximum wait duration allowed and the standard to be aimed at; these may supersede the times given for the DEFAULT INTERCHANGE; schedulers may use this entity for synchronisation of journeys
the assignment of a TIME DEMAND TYPE to a TIME BAND depending on the DAY TYPE and GROUP OF TIMING LINKS
the assignment of operational characteristics, expressed by DAY TYPEs, to particular OPERATING DAYs within a SERVICE CALENDAR
specialisation of WAITING EQUIPMENT for a shelter
origin or destination end of an ACCESS link; may indicate a MODE, POINT and PLACE
a specific USER NEED, i.e. a constraint of a passenger as regards his psycho-sensory impairments, such as visual impairment, auditory impairment, averse to confined spaces, etc.
the POINT OF INTEREST CLASSIFICATION and POINT OF INTEREST CLASSIFICATION MEMBERSHIP are used to encode a hierarchy of classifications to index and find different types of POINT OF INTEREST
EXAMPLE Educational Building, School, Primary School, or Cultural Attraction, Museum, Art Museum.
NOTE 1 to entry POINT OF INTEREST CLASSIFICATION MEMBERSHIP does not have to be disjoint, i.e. the same category may appear in more than one CLASSIFICATION.
the physical (spatial) possibility for a passenger to access or leave the public transport system; this link may be used during a trip for the walking movement of a passenger from a PLACE (origin of the trip) to a STOP POINT (origin of the PT TRIP), or the walking movement from a STOP POINT (destination of the PT TRIP) to a PLACE (destination of the trip)
specialisation of LOCAL SERVICE dedicated to hire services (e.g. cycle hire, car hire)
scope of ticket
an ORGANISATION PART for an operational team who are responsible for issuing commands to control the services
a list of possible responsibilities over one or more ENTITies IN VERSION, resulting from the process of the assignment of RESPONSIBILITY ROLEs (such as data origination, ownership, etc) on specific data (instances) to ORGANISATIONs or ORGANISATION PARTs
set of FACILITies available for a SERVICE JOURNEY or a JOURNEY PART
NOTE The set may be available only for a specific VEHICLE TYPE within the SERVICE (e.g. carriage equipped with low floor)
set of FACILITies available for a SITE or SITE ELEMENT
specialisation of PASSENGER EQUIPMENT for sanitary facilities
a sub-type of SITE which is of specific interest for the operator (e.g. where a joint service or a joint fee is proposed)., other than a STOP PLACE
specialization of ADDRESS refining it by using the characteristics such as road number, and name used for conventional identification of along a road
a type of INFRASTRUCTURE LINK used to describe a road network
a type of INFRASTRUCTURE POINT used to describe a road network
a grouping of TIME BANDs
a set of TIMING LINKs grouped together according to the similarity of TIME BANDs which are relevant to them; there may be a GROUP OF TIMING LINKS which covers all TIMING LINKs, for use when different GROUPs OF TIMING LINKS are not needed
a set of ENTITies grouped together according to a PURPOSE OF GROUPING, e.g. grouping of stops known to the public by a common name
a group of JOURNEYs defined in order to describe special behaviour like frequency based services or rhythmical services (runs all xxh10, xxh25 and xxh45... for example; this is especially useful for passenger information)
a group of VEHICLE JOURNEYs following the same JOURNEY PATTERN having the same HEADWAY INTERVAL between a specified start and end time (for example, every 10 min)
NOTE This is especially useful for passenger information.
a grouping of lines which will be commonly referenced for a specific purpose
a grouping of LINK SEQUENCEs
a group of OPERATORs having for instance common schemes for fare collection or passenger information
a group of VEHICLE JOURNEYS following the same JOURNEY PATTERN having the same rhythm” every hour (for example runs at xxh10, xxh25 and xxh45...) between a specified start and end time”
a group of SERVICEs, often known to its users by a name or a number
a grouping of LINKs
NOTE E.g. one GROUP OF LINKs may be managed by a same AUTHORITY
a VEHICLE TYPE composed of a sequence of more than one vehicles of the type TRAIN
apecialisation of CUSTOMER SERVICE for meeting points (provides characteristics like description, label, etc.)
specialisation of CUSTOMER SERVICE for left luggage (provides left luggage information like self-service locker, locker free, etc.)
a non-service VEHICLE JOURNEY
a work of a vehicle that is not planned in a classical way, i.e. that is generally not based on VEHICLE JOURNEYs using JOURNEY PATTERNs
NOTE It involves specific characteristics (such as specific access rights) and/or may be operated under specific circumstances.
a super-type including all LINKs of the physical network (e.g. RAILWAY ELEMENT)
the order of a LINK in a LINK SEQUENCE to which it belongs
a part of a public transport network where the ROUTEs of several JOURNEY PATTERNs are going in parallel and where the synchronisation of SERVICE JOURNEYs may be planned and controlled with respect to commonly used LINKs and STOP POINTs; COMMON SECTIONs are defined arbitrarily and need not cover the total lengths of topologically bundled sections
the area of a district, a region, a city, a municipality, or other area with which an ORGANIZATION has a RESPONSIBILITY ROLE
the organisation under which the responsibility of organising the transport service in a certain area is placed
a complete journey operated by a coupled train, composed of two or more VEHICLE JOURNEYs remaining coupled together all along a JOURNEY PATTERN; A COUPLED JOURNEY may be viewed as a single VEHICLE JOURNEY
the default time taken by a vehicle to traverse a TIMING LINK during a SERVICE JOURNEY, for a specified TIME DEMAND TYPE; this time may be superseded by the JOURNEY PATTERN RUN TIME or VEHICLE JOURNEY RUN TIME if these exist
the time taken to traverse a TIMING LINK during a DEAD RUN, for a specified TIME DEMAND TYPE; this time may be superseded by the JOURNEY PATTERN RUN TIME or VEHICLE JOURNEY RUN TIME if these exist
a quality parameter fixing the acceptable duration (standard and maximum) for an INTERCHANGE to be planned between two SCHEDULED STOP POINTs; this parameter will be used to control whether any two VEHICLE JOURNEYs serving those points may be in connection
the physical (spatial) possibility for a passenger to change from one public transport vehicle to another to continue the trip
NOTE It specifies default times to be used to change from one mode of transport to another at an area or national level as specified by a TOPOGRAPHIC PLACE, STOP AREA or SITE ELEMENT. It may be restricted to a specific MODE or OPERATOR or only apply in a particular direction of transfer, e.g. bus to rail may have a different time for rail to bus.
a type of PLACE, such as a STOP PLACE, POINT OF INTEREST or ADDRESS, to which passengers may wish to travel
NOTE A SITE can have designated ENTRANCEs that represent the available points of access for different USER NEEDs.
a repeating VEHICLE JOURNEY for which a frequency has been specified, either as a HEADWAY JOURNEY GROUP (e.g. every 20 minutes) or a RHYTHMICAL JOURNEY GROUP (e.g. at 15, 27 and 40 minutes past the hour); it may thus represent multiple journeys
a passenger carrying TEMPLATE SERVICE JOURNEY; as TEMPLATE SERVICE JOURNEY, it may represent multiple journeys
the different CLASSEes IN REPOSITORY which can be relevant for corresponding VERSION FRAMEs
any ENTITY name belonging to the repository
EXAMPLE E.g. DAY TYPE, PROPERTY OF DAY, TIME BAND, VEHICLE TYPE, DUTY, etc. are relevant instances of CLASS IN REPOSITORY in the context of Version Management.
the graphical shape of a LINK obtained from a formula or other means, using the LOCATION of its limiting POINTs and depending on the LOCATING SYSTEM used for the graphical representation
an indicator of traffic conditions or other factors which may affect vehicle run or wait times; it may be entered directly by the scheduler or defined by the use of TIME BANDs
DAY TYPE that is defined in terms of operation or not operation of a referenced SERVICED ORGANISATION
the number of vehicles of a specified VEHICLE TYPE which may wait at a specified POINT at any one time. If the capacity is 0, then that type of vehicle may not stop there
a functional purpose which requires a certain set of equipment of different types put together in a VEHICLE EQUIPMENT PROFILE or STOP POINT EQUIPMENT PROFILE
an operational purpose changing within a JOURNEY PATTERN and with this subdividing the SERVICE JOURNEY into JOURNEY PARTs
functional purpose for which GROUPs of elements are defined
NOTE The PURPOSE OF GROUPING may be restricted to one or more types of the given object.
parameters characterizing VEHICLE JOURNEYs or SPECIAL SERVICEs used for accounting purposes in particular in contracts between ORGANISATIONs
a user's need for a particular SUITABILITY
an advertised destination of a specific JOURNEY PATTERN, usually displayed on a headsign or at other on-board locations
a physical entrance or exit to/from a STOP PLACE for a vehicle
a physical entrance or exit to/from a STOP PLACE for a VEHICLE
NOTE May be a door, barrier, gate or other recognizable point of access.
the specification of the order of TRAINs in a COMPOUND TRAIN
additional characteristics of flexible service; a service may be partly fixed, partly flexible
set of characteristics describing the possible flexibility of POINTs; a composition is used with POINT in order to avoid multiple inheritance
set of properties describing the flexible characteristics of a LINK; a composition is used with LINK in order to avoid multiple inheritance and a type explosion of link subtypes
PARKING specific properties other than its CAPACITY
a workplan for a vehicle for a whole day, planned for a specific DAY TYPE; a VEHICLE SERVICE includes one or several VEHICLE SERVICE PARTs
specialisation of ENTRANCE to enter/exit a POINT OF INTEREST
a physical entrance or exit to/from a POINT OF INTEREST for vehicles
an item of equipment installed either fixed (PLACE EQUIPMENT) or on-board vehicles (VEHICLE EQUIPMENT)
NOTE A service (LOCAL SERVICE such as LEFT LUGGAGE, TICKETING SERVICE) is considered as immaterial equipment as well.
specialisation of WAITING EQUIPMENT for waiting rooms, classified by TYPE OF WAITING ROOM
specialization of PASSENGER EQUIPMENT for ticketing
specialisation of PLACE EQUIPMENT describing the properties of seating
specialisation of STOP PLACE EQUIPMENT for luggage lockers
specialisation of STOP PLACE EQUIPMENT for trolley stands
specialisation of STOP PLACE EQUIPMENT for WAITING EQUIPMENTs (shelter, waiting room, etc.)
specialisation of PASSENGER EQUIPMENT (PLACE EQUIPMENT) describing ticket validators
a constraint expressing the fact that the service, on a specific JOURNEY PATTERN (usually a FTS JOURNEY PATTERN) cannot operate when another (regular) service operates. This may occur only on a subpart of the JOURNEY PATTERN, or only on one or some specific SCHEDULED STOP POINTS
specialisation of CUSTOMER SERVICE for COMPLAINTs
a pair of INFRASTRUCTURE LINKs where vehicles of specified VEHICLE TYPEs are not allowed to meet
generic specialisation of LOCAL SERVICE for CUSTOMER SERVICEs (lost properties, meeting point, complaints, etc.)
specialisation of CUSTOMER SERVICE for luggage services (provides luggage service facilities and characteristics like luggage trolley, free to use, etc.)
a specific USER NEED, i.e. a requirement of a passenger as regards medical constraint (e.g. allergy) to access public transport
time penalty associated with a CHECK CONSTRAINT
a jurisdictional geographic boundary
NOTE A COUNTRY normally has a two character IANA identifier.
a ZONE defining a ROUTING CONSTRAINT; the ZONE may be defined by its contained SCHEDULED STOP POINTS or by its boundary points
a classification for ticketing available at a TICKETING EQUIPMENT (e.g. purchase, collection, card top up, reservations)
specialisation of CUSTOMER SERVICE for lost properties
a type of INFRASTRUCTURE LINK used to describe a railway network
a type of INFRASTRUCTURE POINT used to describe a railway network